普通英語の時制の一致とは、主節の動詞が過去時制のときに従属節の動詞がそれに呼応する現象を指す。例えば、 a. I thought that he had already left. などのような文である。これは容易に理解できるものだが、次のような例文では検証すべき点があるだろう。 b. I recentl...
This report will attempt to analyze the poetry “The Widow’s Lament in Springtime” by William Carlos Williams with four steps: Linguistic, Phonology, Grammar, Discourse. The poem is attached as the last page of this report. Since there is only one stanza in ...
As more and more tourists travel all over the world, some areas are starting to experience problems that this increased, uncontrolled tourism brings. However, with support from governments, many of these problems can be overcome. First tourism problem is...
Do Japanese schools have too many rules? What school rules bothered you the most when you were in junior high school and high school? Should school rules in Japan be kept the way they are? I want to say that there are not just too many rules, but also ones t...
「次の英文の下線部を他の英語でパラフレイズしなさい。更にイタリックの語の反意語を書き、下線の語を使った英文のエッセイ(随筆)を書きなさい(長さは自由)。」 The most difficult[=extremely hard to deal with / toughest to do ] kind of liberty to preserve[=take poss...