The cell phone has spread quickly in several years. Why did the cell phone spread like this? Firstly, it is improvement in the function of a cell phone. Even if it does not look for a public telephone, it is the convenient point of a cell phone that you can...
Should“Visa Overstayers” be allowed? These days, there are huge numbers of “Visa Overstayers” who are working in Japan. Those foreign people came to Japan as legal tourists, but after they had came in this country so easily, they started to work and ...
[ Many people believe that men are better drivers than women. I mostly agree with this statement because although men sometimes drive more dangerously than women, women are more easily distracted when driving and tend to be more indecisive than men. ] Co...
Impractical English. I have been feeling this mortification keenly ever since I entered this university. Of all the diverse people I have met here, returnees and students who have studied abroad are the definitely the most influential for my part. Talking with...
まず、記述するとはどういうことなのか?説明するとはどういうことなのか?について考えてみたいと思う。はじめに、記述するとは、「An analysis is said to meet “descriptive adequacy” when it correctly describes the linguistic facts that adult speakers tacitly know…...
0. はじめに 英語学の本を読むと統語的研究でよく目にするのが、補文(埋め込まれた文)(embedded sentences)である。次の例を見ていただきたい。 (1) a. His father made Jim a doctor. 高校英語で学ぶこの文は五文型の範囲ならば第五文型、準動詞の範囲では使役動詞の文法で...
My hometown, Ebetsu city, is a college town. Three universities are there, Sapporo Gakuin University, Asai Gakuen University and Rakuno Gakuen University. In total, approximately 15000 students study there.