今日の英語教育において検証していかなければいけない文法が多々ある。そのうちのひとつが固有名詞の普通名詞化現象だ。固有名詞はそれ自体で特定された名詞で関係代名詞の範囲では制限用法の先行詞として用いることはできない。 *Mr. White who I saw yesterday played tennis ...
April 25, a train of HUKUCHIYAMA line derailed. This accident happened in the morning and people who were going to school or company were killed or injured. The number of dead people reached 107 and more people were injured. It became a large disaster in the h...
我々は中学、または高校の英語の授業で、時・条件を表す副詞節では未来形を現在形に変えることを学んできた。しかし、実際に次のような例文をよく見かける。 If your car won’t start, call me any time and I’ll help you. これは一種の例外ともいえる。もともとwillには二...
A mobile phone has become something of a necessity, and almost of all Japanese young people can’t do without one. Of course, you would also have one.Exactly a mobile phone is very convenient. You can get a lot of information by using internet without computer...