代表キーワード :: 史学


  • Federalist and Democratic-Republican
  • The two-party political system had established after the revolution. One was Federalist Party, led by Secretary of Treasury Hamilton. The other one was Democratic-Republican Party, led by Secretary of State Jefferson. There were many differences in how they ma...
  • 550 販売中 2006/07/05
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  • To what extent can we argue that the Nazis used force to gain power?
  • In 1932 the Nazis became the strongest party in the Reichstag. Then in 1933, Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany. The Nazis used many tactics to gain power and supports. They used both force and persuasion (or deals) but in my opinion, I think the Nazis...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/19
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  • 出版事業としての百科全書
  • 「百科全書」はジョン・ロック流の経験論とニュートンの打ち立てた新科学、およびこれから派生してきた感覚論・唯物論を核とし、これらの思想にもとづいて当時の技術的・科学的な知識の最先端を集めたもので、スコラ哲学、デカルト主義などの古典的世界観をうち破り、自由な考え方...
  • 550 販売中 2006/01/31
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  • Effects of the Woman Ruler in the Middle Age
  • What surprised me about Queen Elizabeth I after watching the movie, was that Elizabeth I had great power as a leader of her country even though she was a female. Even in today’s society, women’s status is not always equal to men’s status, I imagine that wom...
  • 550 販売中 2006/02/24
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  • “Colonial America: Communities of Conflict or Consensus?”
  • When people first settled in the new land America, they started from the wilderness. Because of people’s efforts, they made the new land to have unique characteristics, and more people would want to come to America to seek for their opportunities and freedom....
  • 550 販売中 2006/07/05
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  • Effects of the American Revolution
  • Ever since the Europeans settled in the new land of America, colonials had created the unique characteristics in each area. They started to question how the Colonial America should be. For Britain, colonies only existed to serve for the mother country. Colonie...
  • 550 販売中 2006/07/05
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  • Why had international peace collapsed by 1939?
  • When Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933, Hitler slowly began the rearmament of Germany. The Treaty of Versailles restricted German army and also, the treaty demanded Germany to pay lots of reparations. Not only a Hitler, many German thought that the treat...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/19
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  • 「『気』で読む中国思想」を読んで
  • 日本人私たち、特に若年層にはほとんど馴染みのない、『気』というものをフィルターとして中国の歴史をながめた本書は、膨大な歴史書の中でも鮮烈なメッセージを放っているように思う。私たちが知っている中国の偉人たちのほとんどが著書の中で『気』について自らの見解を述べてい...
  • 550 販売中 2006/07/21
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  • 敦煌
  • 敦煌 ○歴史 敦煌は中国大陸西北部にあったオアシス都市である。現在は甘粛省に属し、古代においては三危(山の名前)と呼ばれた。春秋時代の瓜州。中華帝国の領土となるのは漢代に入ってからのことで、それ以前は大月氏が、ついで匈奴が支配下に置いていた。一方でオアシス都市と...
  • 550 販売中 2006/11/24
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  • 遼 ○歴史 契丹族の耶律阿保機が東モンゴルに建て、のちに満州華北の一部を領有した国家。征服王朝の一つとされている。916年から1125年まで。 契丹族は4世紀以来、東モンゴルのシラ・ムレン流域で遊牧の生活を営んでいた。この地方は遊牧、農耕両民族の交通地帯であったため、契...
  • 550 販売中 2006/12/07
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  • Athenian Democracy
  • The political system of ancient Athens was a democracy, which involved all of its citizens and not merely their representatives by giving them daily access to civic affairs and political power. Both decision-making and decision-enforcing were the duty of every...
  • 550 販売中 2006/01/05
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  • Comparing with the Western Fron
  • In the First World War, there were many fronts. The Western Front was only a part of the war that caused problems. Each front had different geography and environment so there were many differences and similarities if we compared with the Western Front. The Ga...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/19
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