代表キーワード :: 英文


  • People Is Responsible for What They Have Done
  • Jean Baudrillard is a French theorist of the 20th century. He initially learned German language, but he also learned various fields of study. Since he studied various kinds of fields, it seems his ways of thinking are based on sociological, economic, and anthr...
  • 550 販売中 2006/05/06
  • 閲覧(997)
  • Being Loyal Is Being Disloyal
  • The play “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark,” written by William Shakespeare, contains various kinds of themes. The theme of duty and honor is one of them, and this theme can be seen frequently throughout the play. The interesting thing is that this t...
  • 550 販売中 2006/05/06
  • 閲覧(934)
  • 「蜘蛛の糸」考察(英文)
  • 芥川龍之介「蜘蛛の糸」の考案を英文に直したものです。英語の課題提出のために練習で書きました。実際には別の作品で書いたレポートを出したためこちらを販売します。推敲したものではないため英文法に間違いがあるかもしれませんので、あくまでも参考程度にとどめておいてくださ...
  • 660 販売中 2023/08/30
  • 閲覧(418)