代表キーワード :: 海外文学


  • “A PASSAGE TO INDIA” was written by English author E.M. FORSTER in 1924. It’s a story about the relationships between English people and Indian people at the Indian colonial period. I think the movie of “A PASSAGE TO INDIA” is highly suggestive as histori...
  • 550 販売中 2006/07/16
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  • “The Beach” Chapter Summary
  • Chapter? Bangkok – A young backpacker Richard arrived to Bangkok. In the guesthouse, he heard man talking about “The Beach”. Then he found the map pinned to the door. He tried to ask man but, when Richard found him, he was already dead. After Richard l...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/17
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  • From Trainspotting to Trainspotting
  • In the Chapter?, we defined what ‘Britpop’ phenomenon was to think about its birth from internal and external factors. The economic policy of the Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and the rise of ‘rave culture’ were internal factors. It was external factor ...
  • 550 販売中 2005/11/12
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  • 黒人社会における生活環境と死 "SOUL GONE HOME"を読んで
  • 立命館大学 人文総合科学基礎講読Ⅰ レポート自体は日本語で書いています。 ※抜粋部分は原文のままです。 この舞台小説は、少々奇妙だとも感じられる一組の親子の関係が、息子の生前と死後とで変化している。 二人の性格や生活環境などの要因を通してなぜそれが起こったのかを...
  • 550 販売中 2007/02/15
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  • Ballard’s Experience in Shanghai― From Empire of the Sun
  • In this chapter we will look at how the English writer JG Ballard wrote about Shanghai in his autobiography novel-Empire of the Sun. Ballard was born and grew up to sixteen in Shanghai during the Second War. This is an account of JG Ballard's childhood in Shan...
  • 550 販売中 2005/11/12
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  • ラランデ『天文学』和訳
  • ラランデ (Joseph Jerome Le Francais de Lalande)(1732-1807)は、フランスの天文学者。またフランス航海暦の編集者である。以下は彼の著作で天文学の一般的教科書である ' Astronomie' (1764年)の冒頭部分を和訳したものである。 (訳) 本書は40年に及ぶ研鑽と、天文学に...
  • 550 販売中 2006/02/13
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