Agentsoft Company Introduction: Korea


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    Company Overview
    (Last updated Aug., 2005)
    Our mission is "The Integration of Global Knowledge" By integrating knowledge scattered throughout the world our users can finally access and utilize it.
    AgentSoft's mission "The Integration of Global Knowledge" has a two-step. As a first step, we need to create regional marketplaces that gather knowledge from the regional users, for example, for Korean users and for Chinese users. We knew that the regional marketplace is the most effective method to extract knowledge sleeping in personal computers or desk drawers. We believed that any kind of valuable knowledge can have a price. As you can see has more than 2 million users and 1.8 million documents or digital products.
    The second step for "The Integration of Global Knowledge" is establishing the worldwide marketplace between regional knowledge marketplaces. The worldwide marketplace enables the knowledge to move from one regional marketplace to others. For example, knowledge in (written in Korean) can be translated into Chinese for
    As a result of 5 year endless challenges and endeavors, has become the biggest knowledge marketplace in Korea. In the meantime we set up the marketplace for Chinese and Japanese users. In addition, we are planning to set up Taiwan and Spanish marketplace in this year. Our marketplaces will expand the regions continuously. AgentSoft obtain


    Company Overview
    (Last updated Aug., 2005)
    Our mission is "The Integration of Global Knowledge" By integrating knowledge scattered throughout the world our users can finally access and utilize it.
    AgentSoft's mission "The Integration of Global Knowledge" has a two-step. As a first step, we need to create regional marketplaces that gather knowledge from the regional users, for example, for Korean users and for Chinese users. We knew that the regional marketplace is the most effective method to extract knowledge sleeping in personal computers or desk drawers. We believed that any kind of valuable knowledge can have a price. As you can see has more than 2 million users and 1.8 million documents or digital products.
    The second step for "The Integration of Global Knowledge" is establishing the worldwide marketplace between regional knowledge marketplaces. The worldwide marketplace enables the knowledge to move from one regional marketplace to others. For example, knowledge in (written in Korean) can be translated into Chinese for
    As a result of 5 year endless challenges and endeavors, has become the biggest knowledge marketplace in Korea. In the meantime we set up the marketplace for Chinese and Japanese users. In addition, we are planning to set up Taiwan and Spanish marketplace in this year. Our marketplaces will expand the regions continuously. AgentSoft obtained priceless knowledge and know-how by creating and managing Korean, Chinese and Japanese marketplace, and this knowledge is ready for transfer to our new marketplaces. By transferring our knowledge and know-how to rest of the worldwide marketplaces, we truly believe that our mission "The Integration of Global Knowledge" is finally accomplished.
    Company Information
    AgentSoft Co., Ltd.
    Address: #211 Woolim eBiz Center, 184-1, Guro3, Guro, Seoul, Korea
    Telephone: +82-2-890-3333
    Fax: +82-2-890-3334
    Established: 31-March 2000
    Capital share: 542,000,000KRW (about 535,000USD)
    Major business:, the biggest on-line knowledge marketplace in Korea.
    Contact Information
    Management Team
    JeongTae Kim
    Chairman of the board
    Chief Executive Officer and director YiHwan Yoon
    Co-founder, Chief Marketing Officer and director SungSik Cho
    Co-founder, Chief Planning Officer and director
    Our Crew Members
    SooHyun Kim Chief of planning team JongWook Han Chief of development team HanSeung Kim Chief of operation team HyeKyung Lee Chief of media team
    In the autumn of 1999, when the Internet venture business was booming in Korea, we – founder Kim and co-founder Yoon and Cho – were students at Graduate School of Management at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology). We decided to join the Internet venture business boom and started to design a web site for college students in a small room of KAIST. At that time there was no web site that was specifically designed for college students in Korea. At that time, we truly believed that if our web site contains content that is useful for their college lives, for example, career management, academic knowledge sharing, casual games, on-line communities, shopping and more, our venture can be successful. Professor Soung-Hie Kim, advisor of Kim and Cho, named to our web site, HappyCampus, and he also made an investment in our small venture. We set up AgentSoft on 31, March, 2000 and opened in 4, June, 2000.
    At first, provided academic knowledge sharing service and other services were launched one by one. Unfortunately, the competition of our business environment was fierce. Except for academic knowledge sharing, other service domains were dominated by power players such as in career management and in casual game. It was time for us to select and concentrate. We s...


