gay marriage


    • ページ数 : 7ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    Marriage can be defined as a social, financial, and human relational contract between persons, often legalized by a nation or a government. There are several systems of marriage such as monogamy, polygamy, and circle marriage, and same-gender marriage. Of course, the most common marriage system is monogamy, institutionalized and spread originally by the Catholic Churches in Europe and America; the rest of them are legalized by only few countries, however. One of the most considerable arguments on marriage is whether same-gender marriage should be legalized or not. Today, only few countries and regions legalized gay marriage, and lesbians, gays, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people have to live with few equal rights with heterosexuals. Even though there have been many opponent opinions toward same-gender marriage, several researches and historical reports show enough conditions that “homosexuality” is not really how it sounds like. Therefore, we need to realize that they deserve better, and same-gender marriage should be legalized for their human rights.
    Why is same-gender marriage wrong anyway? President George W Bush claimed that marriage should be legalized only to the unions between one man and one woman to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court’s recent decision, which the state must extend civil marriage to same-sex couples, and to the San Francisco mayor, permitting gay couples to marry.


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    Gay Marriage
    Marriage can be defined as a social, financial, and human relational contract between persons, often legalized by a nation or a government. There are several systems of marriage such as monogamy, polygamy, and circle marriage, and same-gender marriage. Of course, the most common marriage system is monogamy, institutionalized and spread originally by the Catholic Churches in Europe and America; the rest of them are legalized by only few countries, however. One of the most considerabl...


