They had to ACCOUNT FOR all the money that had gone missing.
The police were ACTING ON a tip from an informer and caught the gang red-handed.
They ACTED OUT the part of Hamlet on stage.
My computer's ACTING UP; I think I might have a virus.
We ADDED UP the bill to check it was correct.
What she wants to say just adds up to a refusal.結局「ノー」ということだ
I will absolutely adhere to my decision whatever happens.
I always aim to improve my English skill.
You should ALLOW FOR delays when planning a journey.
He's been ANGLING FOR an invitation, but I don't want him to come.
Her mother was shocked when she started ANSWERING her BACK and refusing to help.
The government should be made to ANSWER FOR their failure to sort out the problem.
Jenny rang earlier and ASKED AFTER you, so I told her you were fine.
She refused to BACK DOWN and was fired.引き下がる
He BACKED OUT two days before the holiday so we gave the ticket to his sister
The rest of the staff BACKED her UP when she complained about working conditions.
I'm BANKING ON your help; I can't do it alone.
Statistics BEAR OUT the government's positions on the issue.
They had to ACCOUNT FOR all the money that had gone missing.
The police were ACTING ON a tip from an informer and caught the gang red-handed.
They ACTED OUT the part of Hamlet on stage.
My computer's ACTING UP; I think I might have a virus.
We ADDED UP the bill to check it was correct.
What she wants to say just adds up to a refusal.結局「ノー」ということだ
I will absolutely adhere to my decision whatever happens.
I always aim to improve my English skill.
You should ALLOW FOR delays when planning...