Being Loyal Is Being Disloyal


    • ページ数 : 3ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    The play “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark,” written by William Shakespeare, contains various kinds of themes. The theme of duty and honor is one of them, and this theme can be seen frequently throughout the play. The interesting thing is that this theme creates contradictions in relationships among characters in the play. To accomplish their duties for the person whom they obey, the characters have to tell a lie to others. One has a face to show loyalty to his/her master while showing a face of disloyalty to others. Hamlet says, “I have heard of your paintings too, well enough; God hath given you one face, and you make yourselves another. . .” (III, i: 136-137) to Ophelia; that is women wear make-up to hide their real faces underneath their make-up. This phrase not only expresses his opinion women having two-sided faces but also each character in the play having a vicious hidden side. Shakespeare contained interesting contrasts of loyalty and disloyalty.

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    Being Loyal Is Being Disloyal
    The play "The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark," written by William Shakespeare, contains various kinds of themes. The theme of duty and honor is one of them, and this theme can be seen frequently throughout the play. The interesting thing is that this theme creates contradictions in relationships among characters in the play. To accomplish their duties for the person whom they obey, the characters have to tell a lie to others. One has a face to show loyalty to ...


