Part-time job  大学生のアルバイトについて


    • ページ数 : 2ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


     A survey shows that over 80% college students who live around Tokyo have part time jobs, and one of the most popular part-time job is to work at convenience stores. What is it like working as a crew of convenience stores? In working, you have many job and experience many things, meet many people.
     When I was a crew of a convenience store, I had to do many things; using the register for payments and putting commodities on the show cases orderly, accepting goods for door-to-door delivery service, etc. All crews wear the blue striped shirts as uniform in my store. Whenever customers come and go, we all say “Irasshaimase (Welcome)” or“Arigato-gozaimashita (Thank you)” loudly in unnatural accent. Because this way of saying is different from usual or natural one, we call it “konvini-accent (accent which is unique to convenience stores)”.
    The core job for store running, such as sales calculation and order for stocks, is generally done by the owner or the chief of the store, not by students, part-time jobber.
     Work in the convenience store concerns with various people. For example, crews can be college students or high school students, wives, double workers. Some crews are friendly to me and others are not among the colleagues. Also, there are good customers and bad customers. A customer buys many commodities is not always good for crews. Whether a customer buys a lot or not is not matter to crews because crews are paid by the hour, having nothing to do with the store’s sales. Only one makes no trouble, he is a ‘good customer’.

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    Part-time job
    A survey shows that over 80% college students who live around Tokyo have part time jobs, and one of the most popular part-time job is to work at convenience stores. What is it like working as a crew of convenience stores? In working, you have many job and experience many things, meet many people.
    When I was a crew of a convenience store, I had to do many things; using the register for payments and putting commodities on the show cases orderly, accepting goods for door-to-door deliv...


