Amerasian children in Vietnam



 Good afternoon everyone. Today, I’ll talk about Amerasian children in Vietnam. Have you ever heard the word “Amerasian”? it means mixed-race people who have parents of who are Asian and American. In Japan, most Amerasians are in Okinawa and there is a Amerasian school there. This situation is connected to the war, American military bases. I’m especially interested in Amerasian children in Vietnam who are the children of Vietnamese and Americans conceived during the Vietnam War. They are called “bui doi”, “the dust of life”,”less than dust” , ”children of dust” or “forgotten sons and daughters”. Henry Phan, an Amerasian tour guide in Ho chi Minh City said “Here, in Vietnam, it is not glamorous thing to be mixed. Being a bui doi means you are the child of a Vietnamese bar girl, prostitute and an American soldier. ”
 The Vietnam War was fought from the late 1950’s to 1975 between an anti-Communist South and a Communist North. To tell the truth, this war was the battle of America who supported South Vietnam and the Soviet Union who supported North Vietnam.
 I saw a musical named “Miss Saigon”, when I was a high school student. This is a sorrowful love story of an American soldier, Chris and a Vietnamese girl, Kim during the Vietnam War.
 Through this story, I knew an existence of Amerasian children who were abandoned by their fathers and who had a dark background. Some of them were homeless and illiterate, some were in re-education camps formed by the government or orphans, living in streets.

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Amerasian Children in Vietnam
Good afternoon everyone. Today, I’ll talk about Amerasian children in Vietnam. Have you ever heard the word “Amerasian”? it means mixed-race people who have parents of who are Asian and American. In Japan, most Amerasians are in Okinawa and there is a Amerasian school there. This situation is connected to the war, American military bases. I'm especially interested in Amerasian children in Vietnam who are the children of Vietnamese and Americans conceived during the ...


