What Prime Minister Koizumi intended to achieve through Israel visit


    • ページ数 : 1ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    I write the reasons that Prime Minister Koizumi visits Israel now from
    various aspects and I intend to write their purpose, goals, and aim.
    The visit reason that is thought most is that the Japanese government is going to appeal to world countries for the posture that Japan participates in a Palestinian peace negotiation positively inside and out.Prime Minister Koizumi talk together with Chairperson Israeli Prime Minister Sharon and Abbas of Palestine National Authority and the Japanese government take mediation work of Middle Eastern peace and intend to raise Japanese influence.In particular, for Mr. Sharon the Japanese government will intend to request Mr. Sharon not to let movement for peace stagnant by politics confusion by new political party organization.Naturally, advancing the Palestine problem that the solution is most difficult raises the Japanese position in the world and may become a strategic arrangement to Japan entering a permanent member.
    It essential for the Prime Minister to visit Israel in person to achieve these goals, It will be to be able to do this visit only by the prime minister.This could not only ask the ambassador to Israel or send a special envoy or a diplomat to achieve these aims, because the top of a country is the most influential for the world. There is an important meaning in prime ministers meeting.For example the Chinese visit by Kakuei Tanaka gave the world big influence and became a big great achievement to be left in the history. A visit by the prime minister gives influence in form of the history.Particularly, it will be big that an Israeli visit is left in form of the history in afterworld.
    Last, I hope that this visit connects to the step to Middle Eastern peace and preferably I want peaceful thought to be spread out all over the world.

    資料の原本内容 ( この資料を購入すると、テキストデータがみえます。 )

    What Prime Minister Koizumi intended to achieve through Israel visit
    I write the reasons that Prime Minister Koizumi visits Israel now from
    various aspects and I intend to write their purpose, goals, and aim.
    The visit reason that is thought most is that the Japanese government is going to appeal to world countries for the posture that Japan participates in a Palestinian peace negotiation positively inside and out.Prime Minister Koizumi talk together with Chairperson Israeli Prime Minister Shar...


