1-1 Overview of damage from Tsunami
The first tsunami wave began to impact the eastern coast of Sri Lanka about 100minutes after the earthquake, at approximately 8:40 a.m. The wave surge was recorded at between 5 and 6.5 meters in most of the eastern and northeastern coast, and parts of the southern coast, doing most damage up to 3 meters above mean sea level.(After the Tsunami Rapid Environmental Assessment, UNEP, 2005) The overview of the damage is as follows (IUCN Tsunami Response Sri Lanka, IUCN, 2005, UNDP Sri Lanka, 2005):
・Approx. 35,000 estimated dead (See also Fig.1)
・443,000 people remain displaced;
200,000 people have lost their livelihoods
・Almost 100,000 homes destroyed and further
46,000 damaged Two-thirds of country`s
coastline (> 1000 kms) affected.
・ 23,449 acres of cultivated land were affected,
including 9,000 acres of paddy, 645 acres of
other field crops, 12,928 home gardens,
559 acres of vegetable farms, and 317 acres of
fruit trees.
・ More than 100,000 buildings were
totally destroyed or are beyond repair.
・ 16,479 boats were destroyed, rendering
54 per cent of the total fishing fleet unusable.
・ 97 healthcare institutions from a total of 363 were
・ 195 education facilities —including schools, universities, and vocational centres—damaged. Fig1. Death from Tsunami
Of this, 59 schools were totally destroyed
and 117 partially destroyed.
Disaster waste disposal by Upgrading Daily Solid Waste management
-Case study: Disposal of Tsunami debris on 26th Dec. 2004, at Galle, Sri Lanka-
1-1 Overview of damage from Tsunami
The first tsunami wave began to impact the eastern coast of Sri Lanka about 100minutes after
the earthquake, at approximately 8:40 a.m. The wave surge was recorded at between 5 and 6.5
meters in most of the eastern and northeastern coast, and parts of the southern coast, doing
most damage up to 3 meters a...