My Fellow Mosquitoes


    • ページ数 : 2ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


     Honorable judges and people from all over the world! I’d like to start with this question “What do you think of mosquitoes?” Everyone in this room knows that we never associate such pests with positive things. Well, let me introduce one of my best friends, Tom. Many people may think it unusual and strange that my friend is not a boy but a mosquito. Yes, he is a mosquito.
     I met Tom three week ago. My first impression of him was quite bad. He was buzzing around my head while I was dozing. First, I thought he was intentionally disturbing my peaceful sleep. But I noticed that he was trying to talk to me. Tom and I had a pretty long discussion about the relationship between his kind and humans. This heated debate dramatically changed my attitude toward mosquitoes.
     As many people do, possibly including you, ladies and gentlemen, I hated the creatures. They were my enemies. I felt they were pesky biters, disease carriers and ugly creatures. Many people have a bad image of mosquitoes. That’s why people hate them.
    It’s time to throw such one-sided prejudices away. Let mosquitoes redeem their dignity. With three steps, I’d like to explain how innocent mosquitoes are. I am sure the rest of my speech will change your opinion.
     First and foremost, the male are vegetarians and never feed on blood of animals. The males live on nectar and a little water. They are gentlemen, polite and well mannered. Please understand that male mosquitoes are completely harmless guys.


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    My Fellow Mosquitoes
    Honorable judges and people from all over the world! I'd like to start with this question "What do you think of mosquitoes?" Everyone in this room knows that we never associate such pests with positive things. Well, let me introduce one of my best friends, Tom. Many people may think it unusual and strange that my friend is not a boy but a mosquito. Yes, he is a mosquito.
    I met Tom three week ago. My first impression of him was quite bad. He was buzzing around my head while I...


